For more than 90 years, KSU students have been telling stories and sharing vital and compelling information.
Even before formal journalism education classes had started, students chased leads and documented the events that shaped our history. They displayed their work in the Normal High School News and The Chestnut Burr in 1914, The Kentonian in 1915 and eventually the first issue of The Kent Stater on July 29, 1926.
We now are more than 400 students working with 11 independent Student Media partners who create unique content distributed across 34 outlets on digital, social, broadcast and print platforms.
Our students are supported in their efforts by a strong fabric of faculty advisers, professional staff, university support and, of course, financial support from the students of Kent State University.
And while the methods have varied since those early publications, our core philosophy has remained constant: empower students to create valued sources of journalism, information, entertainment and advertising.
Won’t you join us and continue the story?
STUDENT MEDIA EMPOWERS STUDENTS through practical, collaborative and professional learning opportunities within an independent, student-led and multi-platform media framework.
OUR STUDENTS CREATE valued sources of journalism, information, entertainment and advertising and develop meaningful connections with our core audiences.
WE ENCOURAGE EXCELLENCE, leadership and accountability as students become innovative, ethical and skilled media producers within a diverse and global society.

Student Media students are regularly recognized for outstanding work among their peers at the state and national level. These accolades demonstrate the commitment to excellence that is consistently on display within Student Media.
We like to think big. And sometimes our budget can’t keep up. Your generous gift helps our students build on their big ideas. Your gift can be directed at a specific media partner or go directly to support Student Media in general.